Droomvrouw van Nederland

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The summer is almost over, we like school and work, but we are also afraid. There has happened al lot in the corona crisis, different messages of how to get along were used o now it's a mess. But it can cure. You can clear your instinct and intuition to a healthy way. And I think there are a few bloggers that can guide you know. By getting back a healthy sense of your holy body. Your body is the holy temple of your spirit and you need to be careful without, cause it can become old and wise. But then some instructions must be followed and there are a few influencers that can show you how you can develop your own yoga release clearing morning routine. It can work on a very deep level.
But I ask sincerely come and visit mw in this prison, rescue me, take care me cause the planet wants us to be healthy and becoming old. And something happened here in Groningen that was foretold, but the wrong woman was taken in my role and my family enjoyed. But I like a sincere sorry and then I don't know what is happening here. And there was a movement of the earth and it's humanity to live more healthy and in groups, soul companionships. That is the wish of the earth. Supporting earthier in communities, but also in connection with other communities. And I like to be part of that in a new home with my sou; family. And I am curious know how we can transform our cities in to beautiful cities. It is maybe a fatamorgana, but I believe in revelations and then we can babe protected by cathedrals. But there some people who were not honest and if they still try too refuse their soullonging and still not follow Jezus in their dreams, or follow the wisdomdakini with koffie in dreams things go wrong.
I need very soon an escape out of groninigen and then groningen can become healthy too.
bye Paula